Emergency Care
We offer 24 hour on farm emergency care to our patients. Emergency situations include: colic, wounds, eye trauma, foaling difficulty, severe lameness or other illness.
Preventative Health Care
Preventative care is of the utmost importance to ensuring your horse’s long-term well-being. Annual preventative care visits will ensure that we are informed about both you and your horse. Regular physical exams allow for the early identification of health problems and the initiation of treatment. Preventative care visits can include the administration of a personalized vaccination, deworming and dentistry care plan.
Lameness and Sport Therapy
We are equipped to offer a wide range of lameness diagnostics including gait examination, flexion testing, nerve and joint blocks, digital radiography and digital ultrasonography. When required we offer referral for advanced diagnostics including MRI, CT scan, or scintigraphy (bone scan). Lameness treatment plans are tailored to the individual needs of you and your horse. Plans may include rest, rehabilitative exercise, systemic medications, joint injections including ProStride Therapy, shockwave therapy, surgical intervention or alternative therapies.
General Medicine
We provide evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical disorders.
Common conditions include:
Respiratory - viral and bacterial respiratory diseases, recurrent airway obstruction (heaves)
Gastrointestinal - colic, diarrhea, weight loss
Ophthalmologic - corneal ulcers, uveitis
Dermatologic - Pruritus (itch), hives, tumors
Endocrine- equine metabolic syndrome, pars pituitary intermedia dysfunction (Cushing’s)
Using a variety of diagnostic tests we will assess the nature and cause of the illness and recommend a personalized treatment plan. Referral to a specialist is offered when required or at your request.
General Surgery
Castration and wound repair as well as other minimally invasive surgeries can be performed on the farm. When required or at your request we offer referral to hospital for specialized surgical intervention.
Neonatal Care
Postpartum mare and foal wellness examinations, IgG testing and plasma transfusions.
We offer a range of reproductive services including breeding soundness examinations, staging of the reproductive cycle by uterine and ovarian ultrasound scanning and vaginoscopy, uterine culture and cytology, cooled and frozen semen artificial insemination and pregnancy detection.